Our Services
We are pleased to serve NYC and Central NJ with pit bull friendly dog training and behavior counseling.
Please read our article about Training Your Pit Bull.

Group Dog Training Classes  for Puppies and Adult Dogs

Visit the group dog training classes section of our parent company, Urban Dawgs, to learn about the many group dog training classes we have to offer. Group classes are instructed by recognized experts in dog behavior.

Private Behavior Consulting and Training Sessions

With private sessions you can learn at your own pace in a comfortable environment and have the convenience of flexibly fitting training into your busy schedule. The first session is approximately 2-hours in length and sets the foundation for future training sessions. The initial consultation includes 30-days of email support and within 7-days after we meet we'll e-mail you custom training instructions based on what was covered at the consultation. We recommend a minimum of one follow-up session (1-hour in length) although some of our clients see us 1-3 times a week for ongoing training. You can schedule follow-up sessions as needed.

Puppy Training

We can help get you off to the right start in raising a willingly compliant, well-mannered, good natured, easily-handled adult dog. We've got great tips on socializing your puppy to people and other dogs, teaching bite inhibition (so your puppy develops a soft mouth) and basic manners such as walking nicely on a leash, coming when called, sit, stay and more! Learn how to prevent and deal with common puppy problems like chewing, nipping, jumping up and barking. We'll also help you get on the fast track for housetraining. Did you know that puppies are most impressionable before 16 weeks of age? Don't wait to start training - the time is now
. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Basic Training/Behavior Consulting
We can help you teach your dog to walk nicely on a leash, come when called and improve reliability on cues such as sit, down, stay, leave-it and other behaviors that are important to you. Is your dog jumping up on everyone, barking, destroying your things, raiding the garbage, eating food from the counter, digging or occasionally acting "out of control"? These are just a few of the behaviors that we can work with you to change. Together we can develop an individualized training plan tailored to you and your specific dog's needs. The first hour of the consultation lays the foundation for training success. We'll discuss your goals, details about your dog's behavior, answer your questions as they arise, as well as interact with and evaluate your dog’s behavior. During this time we'll also go over how dogs learn and offer creative ideas on how you can satisfy your dog's mental and physical stimulation needs (a tired dog is a good dog!). The 2nd hour (or in some cases, the last half hour) will involve doing actual training with your dog. The goal is not for us to train your d
og but instead to train you how to train your dog. Follow-up sessions can be scheduled at your convenience for more hands-on training/coaching.

Here are a few of our specialties:

Leash Reactivity and Manners
Do you have trouble walking your dog? Does your dog bark at cars, skateboards, other dogs or people? Walking your dog should be a relaxing and enjoyable time for both you and your dog. We can help you learn safe and effective ways to keep your dog's attention while out on walks.

Big Dog, Small Space
Do you live in a small apartment or home and have a big dog? You'd be surprised how much you can achieve from an arm chair or the couch. You and your dog can train and play without a lot of space. Find out how to make the most of your small space with a big dog. Our mental and physical stimulation tips are especially useful on those ultra hot days, rainy days or the during cold winter season.

Advanced Behavior Consulting (accepted on a case-by-case basis)
Cases involving fear, aggression, separation anxiety, food & object guarding and obsessive compulsive disorders are accepted on a limited case-by-case basis. These behavioral problems can take a significant amount of time (usually more than 1 or 2 sessions), effort, patience and commitment from both you and the trainer, and many times with only slow and small signs of improvement initially. For this reason,
we will only accept a limited number of advanced behavior consults. The first hour or more of the initial consultation is spent interviewing you extensively about your dog, answering your questions, as well as interacting with and evaluating the dog’s behavior. We'll focus on your concerns and priorities. The last hour (or in some cases, the last half hour) is spent explaining the possible causes of the problem behavior and the options available to fix or improve upon the dog’s behavior. Quality of life and safety issues for all humans and animals involved in the household is taken into consideration when discussing all available options. Before concluding, we'll inform you whether we'll take your case for on-going training. We'll also provide specific, easy-to-follow instructions for immediate implementation. The consultation fee applies, even if the case is declined and referred to another trainer.


Drayton Michaels of Pit Bull Guru is now offering comprehensive seminars in Pit Bull Awareness. These seminars are a useful tool in educating communities, shelters, rescues and politicians about Pit Bulls and dogs in general. The focus of the seminar can be tailored to your specific needs regarding breed specific legislation (BSL), behavior and training, advocacy, hands-on workshop with dogs and/or all of the above.

Seminars include Power Point presentations, educational handouts, video of dog behavior, as well as interviews with the best minds in dog behavior and Pit Bull advocacy culled from footage that Drayton has been gathering since 2004 for his documentary, “Judging the Innocent”. All attendees of seminars also receive the educational DVD, “The Pit Bull Hoax”.

Communities face many challenges in regards to dogs. Education is the only answer for dogs and owners to be successful and for communities to be safe. Schedule a Pit Bull Awareness Seminar and help your community become better educated about dogs.

Many people love Pit Bulls and advocate for their fair treatment. What makes Drayton Michaels such a good choice for speaking to your community?
--Drayton has worked with 100's of Pit Bull dogs and owners. He also lives with 2 pit bulls.
--Drayton has met with and spoken to the best people in the US regarding dog behavior.
--Drayton is a certified dog trainer and behavior counselor. He graduated from The SFSPCA Academy for Dog Trainers. He spends the vast majority of his time helping humans and dogs have successful relationships.

Drayton has presented Pit Bull Awareness & Dog training seminars at the following cities/events:
Happy Tails Training Facility (April 2007) – Portland, ME
Urban Dawgs – Red Bank Dog Training (September 2008) – Red Bank, NJ
Connecticut Pit Bull Awareness Day (October 2009) – New Haven, CT
Pin-Ups For Pit Bulls Awareness Day (October 2009) – Philadelphia, PA
Monmouth County Regional High School Diversity Day (April 2010) – Tinton Falls, NJ
SATOS Dog Event (May 2010) – Tinton Falls, NJ

Drayton appeared on an Amirita TV segment on Shelter Dogs in India in 2008 and a MY9 NY news segment on Pit Bulls in 2009. Drayton is also a regular contributor to Dog Fancy Magazine a blogger for DogStarDaily.com.

Please contact us about availability, prices and seminar structure. This just might be the thing you've been missing to change peoples’ perception about Pit Bull dogs!

Payment/Refund Policy
Full payment is required when scheduling services to confirm an appointment. We accept VISA, MC, AMEX and Discover. There are no refunds after payment has been made. We require 24 hours notice to issue credit towards future services for private training. If there are extenuating circumstances, such as an injury to your dog or yourself, we can discuss various options. Refunds or credits will be granted for group classes only for students who withdraw at least one week prior to the first day of class (less a $10 handling fee). No refunds / credits will be granted after that point. Credit is not transferable and expires after 6 months.
